• F. Chris Garcia

    Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of New Mexico


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  • Throughout his illustrious career, F. Chris Garcia's contribution to academia was nothing short of remarkable. With a prolific list of publications, he authored, co-authored, edited, or co-edited over sixty books, monographs, chapters, articles, and reviews. Some of his notable works included "The Political Socialization of Chicano Children" (1973), "The Chicano Political Experience" (1977), "Latinos and the Political System" (1988), "Latino Voices: Mexican, Puerto Rican and Cuban Perspectives on American Politics" (1992), "Pursuing Power: Latinos and the Political System" (1997), "Hispanics and the US Political System: Moving into the Mainstream" (2008), and several editions of "New Mexico Government" (1976, 1981, 1994, 2006).


    However, his most significant and groundbreaking research endeavor was his role as the Co-Principal Investigator in the Latino National Political Survey. This pioneering study, conducted between 1987 and 1993, marked the first nationally representative research focusing on the political attitudes and behaviors of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Cuban Americans. The comprehensive study involved in-person interviews with over 2,800 Latinos and 598 non-Latinos across the United States and received substantial grant support.


    While Garcia's passion primarily lay in the academic realm, unforeseen circumstances led him to delve into higher education administration. In 1975, he was appointed Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of New Mexico. Recognizing his dedication and exemplary leadership skills, he swiftly rose through the ranks, achieving the position of Associate Dean position and eventually being appointed Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in 1980. As the Dean, Garcia shouldered significant responsibilities, overseeing the college's academic departments, institutes, centers, and museums, while simultaneously taking on the roles of CEO and CFO. Notably, he became the first Hispanic American to assume the prestigious position of Dean at the university.